Confusion around Enlightenment
Zen saying:
«Before enlightenment, chop wood draw water. After enlightenment, chop wood draw water.»
Master Zen is clearly not referring to the same enlightenment as Master THEE's . Would Master Zen be equally happy to say:
«Before enlightenment, humiliate bully and exploit subordinates. After enlightenment, humiliate bully and exploit subordinates.» ?
The Zen reference is to spiritual enlightenment, a genuine awareness and experience of the oneness of «self» and «cosmos». This is a narrow conception or at least a narrow focus. Of course, Master Zen is correct: once you realize that the «self» is one with «all», you keep going in life.
The issue in this
is whether oneness will directly assist you in your line-manager role. Will you get superior performance from subordinates and from yourself? Unlikely. Getting fired seems more likely.
So, if what you want is:
«Before enlightenment, humiliate bully and exploit subordinates. After enlightenment, appraise and assign tasks according to a subordinate's abilities and work demands, while giving them maximum autonomy and helping them develop.» … then you have to view 'managing' as a puzzle. If it were not, you and everyone else would already have changed. There would be no more unpleasant and counter-productive power ploys.
You have to be unfazed by noticing that "everyone does it that way" or "that is how I am treated." Nor can you turn to Buddha, the Koran or the Gospels. Large corporations weren't around in those times, and scriptures are silent on employment issues, managerial tensions and return on investment.
You have to work out how to be a line-manager either by yourself, or by recognizing the explanation when you come across it. It's actually quite easy and simple. If you then line-manage accordingly, i.e. change yourself, that would indeed be regarded as becoming enlightened.
Of course, becoming enlightened on a personally troubling issue does not mean that this is your —any more than enjoying a delicious dinner marks you on the , or having an unexpected experience of oneness indicates you are on a .

The notion of «enlightened self-interest» is widely recognized. It refers to doing something good for another or for wider society, while simultaneously looking after your own interests. There is no reason why «enlightened self-interest» should not apply to almost anything and everything that you do. (It will be a major focus of a framework for producing goodness.)
This humanisation of everyday activity is an
process that is constructed by the mutual influence of:-
Synonyms: absolute value, Being value, meta-value, inspirational value.&
Synonyms: project, core activity, mandate, brief, main aim, primary task.
are universal imaginative experiences. If a deep sense of a particular relevant (e.g. Patience or Strength or Love or Beauty or Efficiency) influences a choice, activity or project, then to others it will seem as if you are an enlightened person.

There are other humanistic uses of the term «enlightenment» that are not about a
.Enlightenment as Action: Everyone has the option at every moment to function in an enlightened way (or not), as explained above.
Enlightenment as Illumination: When the logic of enlightened action or a mystery around an existential issue is clarified, a person often describes the process as illumination, and feels enlightened.
Enlightenment as Knowledge: Scientific knowledge is generated by a method and evaluated via consensus (peer review). Its ultimate values are Wonder, Curiosity and Reason. References to truth engender scepticism in many scientists.
The Age of Enlightenment
A philosophical approach emerged in the 18th century that elevated the individual and personal reasoning above the tyrannies of tradition, politics and religious edicts. It led to an appreciation of human freedom, the right to a general education for all, and a greater valuation of scientific principles as the road to useful valid knowledge.More:
The THEE is an application of scientific method to the products of awareness. The new 21st Century Enlightenment will start to provide societies with THEE-based technologies to complement and enlighten science-based technologies.
is built around awareness. It values knowledge and endorses science as a wonderful expression of the human spirit.Originally posted: 8-Jun-2012